Sunday, November 04, 2007

Christian Freedom: Stick or Scalpel?

The Christian life is a journey, a path, a road. And with all roads there are always at least two ditches to avoid. Two of the biggest ditches are antinomianism and legalism. Antinomianism says that in Christ there is no law, and therefore Christians are free to do whatever they want. Legalism on the other hand says that Christians must keep the law, and since we’re sinners and it’s dangerous out there in the world we need to erect extra, special laws that protect us from breaking God’s law. So antinomians may overtly break the law, drink too much, or else they push every limit of the law by dressing like prostitutes, or spend their time watching movies that they would be embarrassed to tell their friends about (or at least they should be embarrassed by them), and on the other hand legalists don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t chew and don’t go with girls that do. And usually, most importantly, the legalists are also busy keeping track of all the antinomian infractions: counting the cigarettes, counting the beers, keeping track of the so-called sins of everyone else like an accountant keeps her ledgers. An antinomian takes Christian freedom and swings it around on the end of a stick and doesn’t care if there’s anyone else within striking difference, and they take a few people down, too bad for them. The legalist turns Christian freedom into a scalpel and gets busy performing heart surgery on every passerby with the sort of precision and intensity of a three year old boy. But these are ditches, errors, and both extremes are to be despised and rejected. Antinomians, your freedom is not for your selfish pleasure. You are free in Christ to love and serve one another. Do not use your freedom as opportunity for the flesh. Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passion and lusts. Legalists, stand fast in the liberty by which Christ has made us free. Remember, the entire law is fulfilled in one word , even this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Do not bite and devour one another: Love God, love His Word, love one another, and bear with one another.

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