Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Real Accountability

We live in a day and age where no one wants real accountability. We serve the gods of self, autonomy, and the almighty “I”. And when someone stands up and says that’s wrong, that’s stupid, or that’s foolish; there is a high likelihood that that person is going to get laughed, mocked, or dragged off the stage. Now truly there are some busybodies and kooks in the world that draw this “persecution” to them selves like a lightening rod in a thunderstorm. But Jesus clearly shows us an example of a righteous big mouth. Throughout the gospels, Jesus busies himself with condemning and mocking the established godless traditions of the culture. When God raises up reformation in the church, worship and godliness is exalted and all godlessness is condemned and mocked for the death that it loves. Therefore, I call upon you to repent of a twofold sin: first, stop picking fights with your wife and your children. Stop criticizing your parents for their rules; stop speaking disrespectfully to your husband. Secondly, point your weapons elsewhere. We are the light of the world; and the light exposes darkness. When God gives us reformation, he will give men and women the minds of the men of Issachar who understood the times (1 Chr. 12:32) and are fearless to point it out in public. When God gives us reformation, the voice of the church will rise above the barely audible murmur that it now emits to the authoritative declaration of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life. That is real accountability. And as that day comes, we can expect that they will want to do to us what they did to our Lord.

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