Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last Week

It's been a little while, I know. Things have been hopping around here.

Just a couple of short notes: First, I just got back from last week's CREC Council and Presbytery meetings in Houston, TX. It was a rip-roaring good time full of cigars, beer, laughter, more beer, good jokes, missionary reports, psalm singing, and of course we did a little business somewhere in there. God has been very kind to the CREC in its short history, and at the close of this year's Council (this is our General Assembly that meets only every three years), we divided into seven presbyteries which also include a number of churches from Europe and Asia.

Another point of interest is that our presbytery and council "moderators" now go by the title "minister" or "presiding minister" which is meant to communicate a more pastoral and representative sort of role than merely running meetings (which "moderator" seems to suggest). Perhaps the closest historical precedent in Presbyterianism for this sort of role is the Scottish Presbyterian "Superintendents." These were the sort of quasi-bishops that even John Knox was comfortable with, having pastoral roles in the regional church but which nevertheless still answered to presbytery and were not hierarchically "over" the other pastors. Anyhow, that was a move in a good direction by my estimation.

The week closed out with the Christ Church ministerial conference which was held in the same location as presbytery to allow for as many as presbyters as possible to attend. While all of the talks were quite good, the highlight was easily the opening lecture given by Pastor Tim Bayley.

Anyway, that's all for now.

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