Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Machen: Christianity and Liberalism

I've been reading and thoroughly enjoying Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen. I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I've never read it before, and perhaps even more embarrassed to admit that I have been a little surprised by how thoroughly I've been enjoying it. First, as might be more obvious the subject matter is thoughtfully presented, winsomely argued, and intelligently persuasive. He certainly doesn't answer every question, and I think there is room for minor, friendly critique. Yet, beyond that, perhaps one of the most surprising elements has been how readable Machen is. I suppose I was expecting something a good deal more stodgy and stuffy, more academic and intellectual. But Machen reads with the kind of erudite, conversational fluidity that occasionally reminds me of C.S. Lewis. Intelligence, thoughtfulness, and friendliness wound together and tackling very significant and difficult subject matters. Perhaps the reminiscence of Lewis reveals something similar in the air of the believing protestant world of the early 20th century, or perhaps its just something about being a highly gifted, intelligent man with a lively love for God and neighbor. At any rate, good stuff, and you ought to put this book a little higher on your reading list, if you haven't already made a pass.

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