Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Exodus Weather

In Psalm 77, Asaph sings about the Exodus, and describes how the clouds poured out rain and thundered while the people of Israel crossed over on dry ground (77:16-17).

This helps fill out how Paul can describe the Red Sea crossing as a baptism (1 Cor. 10). Otherwise, you have a dry baptism because most of the Exodus texts emphasize the "dry ground" that Israel crossed over on. Only the Egyptians got "dipped" in water. But Ps. 77 describes the event as a great storm. The ground was dry enough for crossing, but it was apparently also raining.

Which of course scores a few more points for "sprinkling" Presbyterians. All of Israel was baptized in the cloud and the sea. Men, women, and children were all sprinkled by the Spirit-cloud of God's presence.

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