Saturday, January 25, 2003

Since I've now been introduced to the dark arts of links, will conjure up before your very eyes a few explanations for those who I have on my blog roll. Unlike my partner in crime, Slash, whom you may know as Jon Amos, I have decided early on to keep my roll to a minimum. I haven't decided on any particular criteria, but if you don't get linked, it's not cause I hate you. My brother in-law, the blues, does magic things with computers and he teaches me his potions. I met John Barach a few years ago when he wouldn't stop hanging out at Bucers. He knows Nick, who married a friend I knew in highschool. Who, I might add, has yet to contact me, though I hear rumors, that he might. Nick's not on my blog roll till then. And you can tell him I said so. Ah, then there's my buddy Tim. He likes progressive rock, and he's all into giving kids bread and wine. I'm down with that. The Booth, who also goes by the name Chuddy for reasons I cannot remember, is a legend on many accounts. I refer you to just one of his legendary feats: he personally read the entire Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy to me. His deeds will not be forgotten. I received one of my first welcomes to 'blogdom' from Emeth, whom I know not, but she's into Biblical languages, which I also dig. The remaining links are for folks or organizations with whom I have never had any sort of personal interaction. Wait that's not true. I once e-mailed Jeff Meyers back when I was working on my thesis for NSA, but alas no response was e'er received. I have also had several very personal interactions with Safeco Field. And of course there's Atlas, and that's where I teach. Hello, all.

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