Monday, July 17, 2006

Eucharistic Meditation

As you know, the history of Christendom has been much taken up with what is taking place at this meal: How, when or to what extend the elements of bread and wine are Christ’s body and blood. And while it is worth making some careful distinctions in some places, it is also worth recognizing the inherent mystery in the world. The fact the entire world works mysteriously should not be relegated to another discussion. The fact that it snows; the fact that diamonds are formed in the foundations of the earth; the fact that people are formed in the microscopic recesses of a woman’s body… these are all mysteries that we are only able to vaguely describe and certainly we cannot explain “how” it all works, even the greatest scientific gurus must shut their mouths at some point and declare how awesome are the works of God. The refusal to do so is the height of humanistic pride and arrogance. But the same reality is here. We have ascended into the heavenly places with the saints of the ages. And the same Word that spoke the galaxies into existence is the same Word that was born of a virgin two thousand years ago. And it is the same Word speaks to the wind and waves and they listen. And it is the same Word that speaks today in this meal, declaring grace and peace and blessing and forgiveness to you in His body and blood.

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