Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Authority is Responsibility

Authority means responsibility. When Jesus sends his disciples out, it is because of the authority that has been given to him. But Jesus didn’t get this authority because he was the biggest, strongest, or loudest. He received this authority because he accepted responsibility for all things and then suffered the consequences of that. This is why Jesus first died; Good Friday comes before Ascension Day. Last we celebrated our ascension with Christ to rule in the heavenly places, but today we celebrate the giving of the Spirit, the anointing that gives us the same authority and glory as Jesus. But as his disciples we are called to join in his authority and glory by imitating him, and He gives them his Spirit in order to carry this out. Because the death and resurrection of Jesus was God’s taking responsibility for the world, this means that we are called to assume responsibility for our world. And we do this by dying for it. Husbands, true masculine authority is found in dying for your wives and children. Wives, true feminine authority is found in dying for your husbands and children. Being a Christian means fundamentally declaring that if this world is going to live, everyone must learn to die. When we claim to be the rulers of this world, we are claiming the responsibility for the state of this world. We are claiming that our house is our responsibility, our street is our responsibility, and our city and nation are our responsibility. Why is this? All authority in heaven and in earth has been given to Jesus, and therefore it is our problem. This is why Jesus said if anyone wants to be great, he must take up his cross. Do you want glory? Then come and die. But be assured, you have been given the Holy Spirit, and therefore all who die in faith God will raise up and give glory and honor and authority in King Jesus.

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