Monday, September 10, 2007

Which Lesson are They Learning?

The fifth commandment requires the people of God to honor their father and their mother. This commandment is the foundational principle of all family and community life. It requires that you honor your heavenly Father, for example, even as Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.’ This extents to all those lawful authorities that God has placed over you; not only your physical, familial fathers and mothers, but you are, by extension, required to honor all elders, rulers, judges, teachers who are over you. But this means that not only must you do this faithfully, but you must teach your children to do the same. And you cannot have it both ways. You cannot talk bad about your mother or father and then be surprised when your children don’t obey you right away. You cannot have a bad attitude about a teacher or pastor or elder and then be surprised when your children do not respect them either. Many families in the grip of an idea transfer from church to church trying to find someone they feel they can really submit to, really respect, and then they wonder why when their children are grown they leave the church. We taught our children better than that, they say sadly. But no, their children learned the lesson being taught. The lesson was only submit, only obey, only honor when you want to. And if you don’t agree, go somewhere else. If you want your children to obey, to submit, to honor those in authority, begin by doing it yourself. Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, and do not roll your eyes at them, do not dishonor them by ignoring their wishes. Men, honor your fathers. Tell them how much you respect them; tell them how you appreciate what they have done. That is bestowing honor. Children, the Lord requires you to honor your parents. Do not say “but mom” or whine or complain; learn to say “yes sir” and “yes ma’am” and obey right away, all the way. Learn this lesson now because there are many grown ups who still act like foolish little kids.

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