Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Guarding the Doors

We are gathered here today and every Lord’s Day as the covenant people of God, the family of the Lord Jesus, those who believe in the promises of God, the promises of the remission of sins and the Holy Spirit. This is why we ask that only those who have the sign of this promise, only those who have been baptized partake of the Lord’s Supper. This meal is the covenant meal, it is the new covenant in the blood of Jesus, and therefore it is “the gifts of God for the people of God.” Who are the people of God? They are those who have been marked by the sign of the covenant, who have been sprinkled with the blood of the lamb, to whom the Holy Spirit is promised. In the early church and for many centuries, unbaptized people were actually escorted out of the church before the Eucharist. And deacons would be stationed at the doors to make sure no unbaptized people came in to partake of the holy elements. We do not physically escort anyone out of this church, but we do believe that this meal is for the covenant people of God. Therefore we warmly invite you to be baptized first and then to come and eat and drink with us in the kingdom.

But understand what we’re doing: as the baptized people of God, we are the people who have passed through the Red Sea. God has drowned all of our sins and enemies, and he is bringing us to the promised land. But on our way, God still fights our enemies and he is testing us to see if we trust him, to see if we fear him. Christ is our spiritual food and drink. He is the rock that was struck to give us living water. And it is the same might and power that feeds us that fights for us. So come eat and drink and believe.

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