Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Forgiveness for Sinners

Jesus said some very radical things when he instructed his disciples to celebrate this meal. One of those radical things is that this cup is “the covenant” in his blood for the “remission of sins.” This cup is the covenant in the blood of Jesus so that we can be forgiven. While it is good and right that we confess our sins and be declared forgiven at the beginning of the worship service, this table is a further declaration that your sins are forgiven in Jesus. This bread is Christ’s body broken for your sins; this cup is his blood shed for your sins and the sins of many. But one of the conclusions we ought to draw from this is that this table is for sinners. The Lord’s Supper is not for those who have it all together. The Lord’s Supper is not for those who are doing pretty well, thank you very much. The Lord’s Supper is for sinners in need of forgiveness. This table is for people who don’t have it all together. It’s for people who have made mistakes; it is for people who have guilt and who need pardon. It is for those who struggle with sin and know that they need strength. This table is for those who need the remission of sins, for those who need the blood of Christ to cleanse them from every stain. Therefore do not think that being worthy to partake means that you are not sinner; do not think that being worthy means you have put to death every sin in your flesh and you’re just whistling and waiting for the resurrection. Christ said that eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood was necessary that you might have life within you. Do you need life? Do see the remnants of death and decay still your members? Are you a sinner? Then this meal is for you. God has sent his Son into the world that you may have life, and after Jesus died and rose and ascended into heaven, he poured out his Spirit on the church. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus gives you his life here at this table with bread and wine. So come, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and Jesus will give you rest.

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