Monday, June 16, 2008

Right Away, All the Way, and Cheerfully

The fifth commandment requires that children honor their parents, and this command is reiterated by Paul in Ephesians when he says that children are to obey their parents in the Lord. This command must be understood in two directions: First, parents must love their children such that they are led to obey. Secondly, children must honor their parents such that they actually obey. And lest there be any confusion on what it means to obey, we must insist that obedience is immediate carrying out of instructions with joy. Children must obey their parents just as God requires all of his children to obey him. We are required to obey God right away, all the way, and cheerfully. Therefore, we ought not expect anything less of our children. Rolling eyes and then obeying is not obeying. Stomping feet while carrying out instructions is not obey. Doing half the job is not obeying. Parents must love their children enough to insist upon obedience. Proverbs says that a father who refuses to teach and discipline his son actually hates him. This is because he is allowing his children to grow up believing that obedience is optional. And this means that this child will grow up under the curse of God and the end of that road is death. A father who does not teach his child to stay out of the road hates his child. A father who lets his child put his fingers in electrical sockets hates his child. Likewise, a father who refuses to teach his child to obey hates his child. And this requirement of obedience does not end at some magic age. Whether you are fourteen or nineteen or twenty-six or fifty, the command is still in place to honor and obey your parents. Of course wise parents will not act like tyrants, but the command is still there. Children, obey. This means obeying right away, all the way, and cheerfully. Parents, love your children enough to require this; children, honor your father and mother enough to follow this. And we do this believing the promise that comes with this command: that we may have long lives and that it may go well with us in the land.

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