Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Baptismal Meditation

Baptism is very much like a wedding. There is a giving away and a receiving. There is a covenant being established before witnesses. And there is a sign of that covenant: in marriage, men and women often exchange rings and here at baptism, a person is marked with the sign of water in the Triune name. In both, something is significantly different after the ceremony than before. In marriage, a man and woman have become one, and in baptism God claims men, women, and children as his own and unites them to His Son in the power of the Holy Spirit. But just as a marriage is not guaranteed success by having a perfect or beautiful wedding, or making sure that the man and woman really, really mean it when they make their vows, so too, baptism does not guarantee smooth sailing with God simply by doing the right actions or saying the right words. Baptism no less than a wedding is the establishment of a covenant, and that means that there are stipulations. If one is obedient to those requirements then blessing follows, but if one is disobedient there is only hardship and trouble. But of course no one follows after God without sin, this is why the central and foundational act of obedience we are called to is faith. Therefore, as you bring George here to baptized, I exhort you, Joffre and Kimberly to have faith not in this ceremony as an end in itself, but ultimately in the words, actions, and person of Jesus Christ. He is salvation. As you raise George through all of the situations of life, do it all in faith, and do it, nurturing the faith that Jesus says is already resident in these little ones. Faith is obedience to the covenant, and faith will always be blessed. You can rest in Jesus because He is taking your son into His bride, the Church. So believe the promises of God, and trust in Him.

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