Monday, October 23, 2006

A Table for Traitors

This table is for all of God’s people, and it is important to note that is even for those whom God has invited but who later reject him. While there are many examples of apostasy in Scripture, one of the greatest is certainly Judas the betrayer of our Lord. While it is ambiguous in Mark’s account, Luke makes it more clear that Judas ate the Lord’s Supper with Jesus and the other apostles even though Jesus knew what Judas was planning to do. John indicates that at some point during the meal Jesus gave Judas a piece of bread and after that, Satan entered Judas. This is a glorious meal, a meal of grace and blessing, but it must never be forgotten that we are communing with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Universe who knows the thoughts and intentions of everyone in this room. And you cannot fool Him. If He knew His own betrayer at His table 2000 years ago in an upper room in Jerusalem, you better believe he can see hypocrisy at any and every table in the world that invokes His name and presence. And the same warning applies. There are some false sons in the pale of Christendom, as the old hymn says, and there are some traitors in the ranks, but woe to those who think they can fool the God of all the earth. Woe to those who despise the goodness of God and clutch their vain idols of stone and wood. Remember, Peter and Judas both failed. Both of them failed miserably. But there is nevertheless a monstrous, horrifying chasm between them. Peter failed, but when the cock crowed he knew his sin and repented with tears. And while Judas later regretted his actions to some extent, we do not know of any repentance and all the indications are that he went down to the grave in self pity and loathing and darkness. All of you come; all of you eat. And do not eat in fear or dread, but consider this the cock crowing, and whatever sins you have been hiding, whatever sins you have been ignoring, whatever sins you have been clinging to let them all go now. Lay them down. Repent and place your trust in Jesus whose blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins. And in repentance come in full faith, in full joy, in full confidence. This is your salvation, even Jesus, the crucified and risen savior.

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