Monday, October 30, 2006

No King but Jesus

Being members of the catholic church means that we are seated at this table with all the Christians throughout the world. We are seated here with liberal Anglicans, proud Roman Catholics, mystic Russian Orthodox, fundamentalist Baptists, cranky Presbyterians, and all kinds of other splinter groups that name the name of Christ in sincerity and practice the sacraments of the Christian faith. This means two things: first it means that we need to have a greater love for our brethren in every church, and pray God’s richest blessings on them. But secondly it also means that we need to stir up a greater hatred for the compromise and weakness evidenced throughout the Christian Church, and we need to begin with ourselves. One of the calls of the Revolutionary War was ‘No King but Jesus!’ And the same declaration needs to be made in all of life now. We will not pay homage to money, we will not pay homage to politics, and we will not pay homage to some generic, faceless god of Jews and Muslims. Our king was crucified 2000 years ago, and this is the feast of his coronation, the feast of his enthronement. So come and eat; come and drink; come and declare the crown rights of King Jesus.

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